180 Results

Mobile Apps: Our Partnership with Oryx

News • Réalisations • July 11, 2022
Michel LE BRAS, President of the ORYX Group, the third largest independent real estate group in France, shares his testimony on his collaboration with Sully Group. Since 2021, the Oryx Group, from which the proprietes.privees.com brand is derived, has entrusted the development of its mobile applications to Sully Group. For Michel LE BRAS, the Oryx Group is looking for "external partners with whom to work in confidence, to define, carry out and test the project" in order to support the technical expertise of the group. "With Sully, I think we have found this partner chosen for its technical credibility". Watch the full testimony of Michel LE BRAS in the video below:  

Infogérance : exploiter et héberger les applications de CNM Santé

News • Réalisations • September 14, 2023
Christian REYNAUD, Responsable du pôle Développement, Marketing et Communication de la Mutuelle CNM Santé, partage son témoignage sur sa collaboration avec Sully Group, concernant l'offre Infogérance.

Organizing the deployment of optical fiber with Axione

News • Réalisations • January 12, 2022

Digital Responsibility: Raising awareness among our employees

News • RSE • March 22, 2022
During the Cyber World Clean Up Day, a challenge in favor of a more respectful digital world, we organized two workshops with our employees: A workshop to clean up digital data A workshop to raise awareness of digital equipment recycling (WEEE: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) 657 GB of files and emails were deleted. Our employees were also able to become aware of the issues and identify good practices on a daily basis.  As part of our CSR approach, responsible digital actions are implemented throughout the year in our branches.