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GeoDataDays 2022

News • Tech • September 23, 2022
On the agenda How to mobilize geodata technologies to serve a changing world? Major and health risks, defense and security strategies, climate change... The news of 2022 will feed the cycle of conferences to better project ourselves in the future of geodata: Debates on strategic topics Themes at the heart of current events  Challenges for tomorrow Practical and technical workshops Space for territories" course Sponsors' workshops with the latest developments in the sector Exhibitors' area with geomatics companies GeoData Challenges to detect new nuggets... Discover the video teaser of this 5ᵉ edition of GeoDataDays: https://youtu.be/woNyTte2jGE The expertise of Sully Group GeoData or geographic data, are used by everyone on a daily basis: searching for an itinerary, locating a store... GIS (Geographic Information Systems) allow to value these data in many fields. Sully Group is an expert in GIS for more than 10 years: engineering, data administration, cartographic production, consulting and assistance... Since 2015, we propose a GeoData à la carte offer.  The technical and functional expertise of our employees has enabled us to become a specialist in the ESRI product range, covering all server, web/mobile and desktop technologies. The event Lucile CHOMAZ, GeoData offer manager and Stéphane NAHOUM, Sales Director of the Paris agency, were present in Poitiers. They come back with us on this reference event of digital geography.

Drupalcon Lille: Sully partner

News • Tech • September 26, 2023
Sully Group, silver partner of DrupalCon Lille from 17 to 20 October 2023. We were available to discuss and share our Drupal expertise, on booth 26. Sully wants to become a key player in the Drupal ecosystem Which is why we've decided to take part in order to talk to the various players and (future) partners.   For our staff, it's also an opportunity to maintain their level of expertise through the various conferences on offer. A commitment already underway thanks to the Drupal Warm Up Tour. The Drupal France Warm Up Tour is a way of preparing for DrupalCon in Lille, by offering face-to-face meetings! Every month, a Meetup will be held in a different city in France or in a French-speaking country. In Bordeaux on 29 June, Sully and the AFUP (Association Française des Utilisateurs de #PHP) co-hosted a meetup at ekino in partnership with the Association Drupal France & Francophonie. Our Drupal experts Joachim Desarmenien and Ines WALLON presented the OpenAI module. You can relive the evening by watching the replay video.   Taking part in the next DrupalCon as a sponsor therefore offers a number of strategic advantages:  Increased visibility: DrupalCon is a major international Drupal event. As a sponsor, Sully benefits from considerable exposure to thousands of industry professionals, strengthening your market presence. Networking: This is much more than just an event. It's a unique opportunity to network with Drupal experts, explore new collaborations with potential customers, forge fruitful partnerships and significantly expand our professional network. Positioning as an expert: By sponsoring the event, we demonstrate our commitment to Drupal and reinforce our reputation as an expert in the field. This can attract the attention of companies looking for trusted Drupal service providers. Promoting your services: The sponsored stand gives us the opportunity to present our Drupal services, products and solutions to a captive audience. We can conduct live presentations and discussions to capture the attention of attendees. The return on investment from sponsoring DrupalCon is undeniable. In addition to increasing your visibility, it can generate substantial growth in your business opportunities. Access to information and innovation: DrupalCon is the place where the latest trends, updates and innovations in the Drupal ecosystem are unveiled. By taking part, Sully is giving itself the means to stay at the cutting edge of technology and adapt quickly to changes in the CMS. DrupalCon has a rich programme, with around 100 sessions, 4 round tables and 5 workshops. Our team was on hand throughout DrupalCon to chat with you! In summary, our participation and commitment as IT services partners at DrupalCon allows us to consolidate our visibility, expand our professional network, build a solid reputation as Drupal experts, effectively promote our services and remain at the forefront of the latest technological advances. There's no doubt that this will have a considerable impact on our company's success within the Drupal ecosystem and beyond. A look back at the 2023 European edition Our Drupal division was present and looks back on this annual conference for Drupal enthusiasts:

DuoDay 2023 chez Sully

News • RSE • November 29, 2023
Sully s’implique en faveur de l’inclusion et de l’emploi des personnes en situation de handicap, dans le cadre de notre Mission Handicap. Pour poursuivre nos actions, nous avons décidé de participer à l’évènement national DuoDay : une journée consacrée à la découverte et à la création d’opportunités professionnelles tout en faisant évoluer le regard sur le handicap. Un engagement pérenne Nous avons à cœur de sensibiliser les équipes sur la thématique du handicap. Nous sommes convaincus que les personnes en situation de handicap sont un facteur de progrès dans le monde professionnel. Dans le cadre de sa Mission Handicap, Sully s’engage au travers de différentes actions, le DuoDay est l’une d’entre elles. Cette opération s'est déroulée durant la 27ᵉ Semaine Européenne pour l’Emploi des Personnes Handicapées (SEEPH) du 20 au 26 novembre 2023. Le DuoDay est bien plus qu'une simple initiative, c'est une réelle opportunité pour les entreprises d'ouvrir leurs portes à des talents souvent sous représentés : les personnes en situation de handicap. Cet évènement favorise leur inclusion dans le monde du travail, en leur offrant la possibilité de participer activement à une journée de travail aux côtés de professionnels expérimentés. C’est naturellement que Sully Group tenait à participer à cette opération. Nous remercions Elsa Responsable RSE de Sully ainsi que les référentes Audrey et Maëlle, qui ont organisé cet évènement. DuoDay 2023 à Sully Paris et Strasbourg  Le DuoDay consiste pour une organisation à accueillir une/des personne(s) en situation de handicap, pour former un duo avec un collaborateur volontaire. Le 23 novembre, a eu lieu le DuoDay, nous avons accueillis Julien et Jacques-André, dans nos agences de Strasbourg et Paris. Jacques-André et Julien ont pu découvrir nos métiers liés au développement informatique, dans notre Entreprise de Services du Numérique (ESN), tels que : Développeur web Développeur SIG Chef de projets Responsable d’application AMOE (Assistance à maîtrise d’œuvre) Cette journée DuoDay a été une véritable réussite grâce à la participation active de chacun d'entre vous. Nous avons pu constater combien les duos formés entre personnes en situation de handicap et professionnels ont été fructueux et porteurs de belles rencontres. Les binômes témoignent de leurs expériences lors de cette journée DuoDay  

Sully Group member of the Club Entreprises of the University Savoie Mont Blanc

News • Partenariats • February 22, 2022
Mélina PAULETTO, recruitment manager at the Chambéry branch, and referent of this partnership, explains its objective.  The University of Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) is a major player in terms of IT training, some of which are infrastructure-oriented, such as office automation, telecom networks, network system administration and security, software design, development and testing...  These courses accompany students from the Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) to the Master and Doctorate. This is why Sully Group joined the Club des Entreprises de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc in January 2022, bringing together several schools from Annecy to Chambéry.