180 Results

Facilitating mobility in Grenoble

News • Réalisations • January 4, 2022
Since 2009, Sully Group has been a privileged local partner of SMMAG, Syndicat Mixte des Mobilités de l'Aire Grenobloise, by intervening for the deployment of Mobility as a Service on the perimeter of Grenoble Metropolis, Grésivaudan and Pays Voironnais. This project had met a strong and current demand related to sustainable development and respect for the environment and continues to do so.  Among various needs, we developed a mobile application "M - Traveler Info" to allow users, including people with reduced mobility, to visualize an itinerary according to previously chosen modes of transport and the amount of CO2 emitted.  In 2018, this project was even selected by the "Europe 1 Trophies for the Future". As a reminder, these trophies honor women and men researchers, students, entrepreneurs, writers, citizens, elected officials who want to actively participate in the construction of a more sustainable and harmonious society.  

Facilitate the management of press distributors

News • Réalisations • March 9, 2022
It is a unique and common portal that allows to manage more than 20,000 broadcasters.  The application requires high levels of performance and availability (especially with peaks in traffic). As well as a solid network of interfaces, since it communicates, imperatively, with the actors of the press sector. One of the particularities of this project is the trio management: France Messagerie + Messageries Lyonnaises de Presse + Sully Group.

Map the structures of the RTE network

News • Réalisations • January 8, 2022
Since 2017, RTE has entrusted Sully Group with the development of its new Geographic Information System (GIS). RTE transports electricity between European suppliers and consumers:  Network management: 105,000 km of lines between 45,000 and 400,000 volts, 50 cross-border lines to 33 European countries Management of the balance between production and consumption, electricity being difficult to store Prospects for the electrical network, in particular with the reception of renewable energies and the lighting of public decisions  

Developing a public service with agility

News • Réalisations • January 6, 2022

Manage FranceAgriMer applications.

News • Réalisations • December 1, 2021

ISO 9001 : Sully Group confirms its Quality Certification !

News • Réalisations • May 4, 2022

What is it like to be a work-study student at Sully Group?

News • Partenariats • April 27, 2021
As a digital player, our expertise is the result of the performance and varied profiles of our employees. This is why we are preparing for the future by encouraging the hiring and training of young talent in the digital sector. Thanks to our links with higher education establishments, we are keen to combine the skills of our students with those of our more experienced employees.  In partnership with the IPI Lyon, we invite you to take some advice from Sully Group's work-study students and their tutors in video to succeed in your work-study in the digital sector:   Marwa (tester in alternation) accompanied by Solange (confirmed Project Manager),  Oussama (Junior Application Manager on a work-study program) with Eric (Senior Project Manager),   Kévin (Work-study developer) and Thomas (Junior project manager). You can find all our professional opportunities, including our work-study and internship offers, on our Careers page.

Relationship between Epitech and Sully Group

News • Partenariats • February 25, 2022
Sophia LENORMAND and Marie LEHMANN, recruiting managers of the Strasbourg agency, went to the Job Forum of the Epitech Technology school on February 22, 2022. It was a real pleasure to meet our brands during this face-to-face forum. This event allowed us to exchange with the students and to know more about their projects and their professional ambitions. Sophia and Marie tell us more!  For several years now, the Strasbourg agency has been able to host students studying at the Epitech-Strasbourg computer science school.   

CSR : Elsa presents the responsible approach of Sully Group

News • RSE • June 21, 2022

Agile Grenoble 2022

News • Tech • December 5, 2022
At the end of November, the 2022 edition of Agile Grenoble took place in person for the speakers and participants. Among them, Cédric BONNY, our Agile coach, agreed to come back with us on this event. 

SymfonyLive 2022

News • Tech • April 13, 2022
Brice BEAUREPAIRE, Pierre GERARDIN and Luidjy PISTOL from the Lyon agency's PHP team went to SymfonyLive Paris. It's a 2 days conference to discover the best practices and the new features of the framework. The SymfonyLive Paris is also an opportunity to exchange with members of the community, and more widely with IT professionals. Brice, Pierre and Luidjy tell us about the event.

Sully Group at the Liferay 2020 Symposium

News • Tech • December 10, 2020
  Liferay is a software editor offering a set of open source portal, content management, social collaboration and B2B online commerce solutions, based on the Java language. Sully Group made this technological choice a few years ago to meet the needs of sustainable digital design for some of our customers' projects. The Liferay Symposium is the event dedicated to the customer experience during which it is possible to attend multiple conferences and to obtain keys to carry out digital projects guaranteeing the viability and competitiveness of companies. The appointment had been given to invite anyone interested in these topics to come and "see" us on our virtual booth on November 18 and 19 during the digital edition of this Symposium Liferay 2020 edition. If the event was a success, we were especially proud to share our experience on the successful development project of the Strasbourg Eurometrople (EMS) site platform. You can find the details of our expertise on this project in the following video.       We would like to thank the EMS represented by Jean-Sébastien BARTOS, digital project manager, for accompanying us for this feedback: "Very good event! The preparation was well organized with Benjamin BINI [Project Director at Sully Group]. We are proud to have been integrated to be able to talk about our work, to consider assessments and perspectives on a project. If we could repeat the event, we would gladly do it! Learn more about our Web Factory offer  

BDX I/O: Sully Group partner

News • Tech • October 24, 2023
Sully Group, Balthazar partner of the BDX I/O tech conference, to be held in Bordeaux on 10 November 2023. This annual Bordeaux event will focus on programming and the associated professions. We'll be on stand B1 to chat with our Bordeaux agency and share our expertise. This year, discover the marriage between technological innovation and environmental responsibility. Building an ethical future together  The theme of this 8ᵉ edition is responsible digital, a central topic for Sully. Explore eco-conscious solutions, discover environmentally friendly development practices and take part in crucial discussions on the positive impact of technology on our planet. BDX I/O is an immersive experience where the digital future meets social responsibility. Interactive workshops led by responsible digital pioneers, inspiring conferences led by global experts and networking opportunities to create a better digital world. We invite you to prepare your day by taking a look at the programme: https://bdxio.fr/schedule  And plan your selection of talks around the 7 themes, classified by level of expertise: Design and UX, Cloud and DevSecOps, Off-piste, Backend Frontend, Big Data and AI, Methodology and Architecture. Sully Group will be sharing its expertise and commitment to a more responsible digital world on stand B1. Together, let's create a useful and sustainable digital world!

Disability and employment: "Feeling useful, like others"

News • RSE • November 10, 2022

Sully Group at SIG 2023

News • Tech • October 17, 2023
We are experts in Esri products and have been an official partner since 2017. As such, we took part in the SIG 2023 trade show, which is being held remotely from 09 to 13 October 2023. Our GeoData team was well represented at this exhibition dedicated to the uses of Geo and the Geographic dimension to present our GIS offer.  We also gave a presentation at the ESRI conferences with our customer Axione, entitled "GFIELD: Application ecosystem for FFTH deployment", the subject of which was the GFIELD application. The replay is available here. Our colleague Arthur GENET, GIS Web Developer, took up the challenge by taking part in "The Stars of Geo". This is a game hosted by Julien LEPERS to test your geographical and GIS skills in a fun atmosphere. They agreed to answer a few questions to help us relive the event:

Drupalcon Lille: Sully partner

News • Tech • September 26, 2023
Sully Group, silver partner of DrupalCon Lille from 17 to 20 October 2023. We were available to discuss and share our Drupal expertise, on booth 26. Sully wants to become a key player in the Drupal ecosystem Which is why we've decided to take part in order to talk to the various players and (future) partners.   For our staff, it's also an opportunity to maintain their level of expertise through the various conferences on offer. A commitment already underway thanks to the Drupal Warm Up Tour. The Drupal France Warm Up Tour is a way of preparing for DrupalCon in Lille, by offering face-to-face meetings! Every month, a Meetup will be held in a different city in France or in a French-speaking country. In Bordeaux on 29 June, Sully and the AFUP (Association Française des Utilisateurs de #PHP) co-hosted a meetup at ekino in partnership with the Association Drupal France & Francophonie. Our Drupal experts Joachim Desarmenien and Ines WALLON presented the OpenAI module. You can relive the evening by watching the replay video.   Taking part in the next DrupalCon as a sponsor therefore offers a number of strategic advantages:  Increased visibility: DrupalCon is a major international Drupal event. As a sponsor, Sully benefits from considerable exposure to thousands of industry professionals, strengthening your market presence. Networking: This is much more than just an event. It's a unique opportunity to network with Drupal experts, explore new collaborations with potential customers, forge fruitful partnerships and significantly expand our professional network. Positioning as an expert: By sponsoring the event, we demonstrate our commitment to Drupal and reinforce our reputation as an expert in the field. This can attract the attention of companies looking for trusted Drupal service providers. Promoting your services: The sponsored stand gives us the opportunity to present our Drupal services, products and solutions to a captive audience. We can conduct live presentations and discussions to capture the attention of attendees. The return on investment from sponsoring DrupalCon is undeniable. In addition to increasing your visibility, it can generate substantial growth in your business opportunities. Access to information and innovation: DrupalCon is the place where the latest trends, updates and innovations in the Drupal ecosystem are unveiled. By taking part, Sully is giving itself the means to stay at the cutting edge of technology and adapt quickly to changes in the CMS. DrupalCon has a rich programme, with around 100 sessions, 4 round tables and 5 workshops. Our team was on hand throughout DrupalCon to chat with you! In summary, our participation and commitment as IT services partners at DrupalCon allows us to consolidate our visibility, expand our professional network, build a solid reputation as Drupal experts, effectively promote our services and remain at the forefront of the latest technological advances. There's no doubt that this will have a considerable impact on our company's success within the Drupal ecosystem and beyond. A look back at the 2023 European edition Our Drupal division was present and looks back on this annual conference for Drupal enthusiasts:

DuoDay 2023 chez Sully

News • RSE • November 29, 2023
Sully s’implique en faveur de l’inclusion et de l’emploi des personnes en situation de handicap, dans le cadre de notre Mission Handicap. Pour poursuivre nos actions, nous avons décidé de participer à l’évènement national DuoDay : une journée consacrée à la découverte et à la création d’opportunités professionnelles tout en faisant évoluer le regard sur le handicap. Un engagement pérenne Nous avons à cœur de sensibiliser les équipes sur la thématique du handicap. Nous sommes convaincus que les personnes en situation de handicap sont un facteur de progrès dans le monde professionnel. Dans le cadre de sa Mission Handicap, Sully s’engage au travers de différentes actions, le DuoDay est l’une d’entre elles. Cette opération s'est déroulée durant la 27ᵉ Semaine Européenne pour l’Emploi des Personnes Handicapées (SEEPH) du 20 au 26 novembre 2023. Le DuoDay est bien plus qu'une simple initiative, c'est une réelle opportunité pour les entreprises d'ouvrir leurs portes à des talents souvent sous représentés : les personnes en situation de handicap. Cet évènement favorise leur inclusion dans le monde du travail, en leur offrant la possibilité de participer activement à une journée de travail aux côtés de professionnels expérimentés. C’est naturellement que Sully Group tenait à participer à cette opération. Nous remercions Elsa Responsable RSE de Sully ainsi que les référentes Audrey et Maëlle, qui ont organisé cet évènement. DuoDay 2023 à Sully Paris et Strasbourg  Le DuoDay consiste pour une organisation à accueillir une/des personne(s) en situation de handicap, pour former un duo avec un collaborateur volontaire. Le 23 novembre, a eu lieu le DuoDay, nous avons accueillis Julien et Jacques-André, dans nos agences de Strasbourg et Paris. Jacques-André et Julien ont pu découvrir nos métiers liés au développement informatique, dans notre Entreprise de Services du Numérique (ESN), tels que : Développeur web Développeur SIG Chef de projets Responsable d’application AMOE (Assistance à maîtrise d’œuvre) Cette journée DuoDay a été une véritable réussite grâce à la participation active de chacun d'entre vous. Nous avons pu constater combien les duos formés entre personnes en situation de handicap et professionnels ont été fructueux et porteurs de belles rencontres. Les binômes témoignent de leurs expériences lors de cette journée DuoDay  

Sully Group member of the Club Entreprises of the University Savoie Mont Blanc

News • Partenariats • February 22, 2022
Mélina PAULETTO, recruitment manager at the Chambéry branch, and referent of this partnership, explains its objective.  The University of Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) is a major player in terms of IT training, some of which are infrastructure-oriented, such as office automation, telecom networks, network system administration and security, software design, development and testing...  These courses accompany students from the Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T) to the Master and Doctorate. This is why Sully Group joined the Club des Entreprises de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc in January 2022, bringing together several schools from Annecy to Chambéry. 

Sully Group partenaire Liferay

News • Tech • June 15, 2023
Liferay est un éditeur de logiciels proposant un ensemble de solutions de portail open source, de gestion de contenus, de collaboration sociale et de commerce en ligne B2B, basé sur le langage Java. Sully Group a fait ce choix technologique depuis déjà quelques années pour répondre à des besoins de conception digitale pérenne pour certains projets de nos clients. Le Customer Summit Liferay est l’évènement exclusif dédié aux clients et partenaires afin de connaître les dernières fonctionnalités Liferay DXP, innovations Cloud et offre Saas.  Pour mieux cerner les enjeux des solutions Liferay, cet événement propose des ; -    Démonstrations produits et roadmap -    Présentations détaillées et nouvelles fonctionnalités de la plateforme -    Des témoignages clients  Sully en tant que partenaire est présent à de nombreux évènements Liferay pour proposer la meilleure expertise à ses clients. Experts techniques, Jérémy ZWICKERT et Cédric HENRY de l'agence Sully Strasbourg, ont participé au Partner Summit et au DEVCON, à Porto, en mai. Benjamin BINI Responsable de l’offre, Auréline JOURDE Ingénieure d'affaires et Cédric étaient présents au Customer Summit en juin à Paris. Ils reviennent sur leurs présences.

School relationship: IPI Lyon and Sully Group

News • Partenariats • May 2, 2022
The IPI, a computer science school, offers students professional training that covers a wide spectrum of IT professions: developers, network administrators, software engineering, etc.  For the past 5 years, we have established a school relationship partnership with the IPI because we wish to support students. Our ambition is to encourage the training of young talent in the digital professions. Émilie Pays, Recruitment Manager of the Lyon branch, who is in charge of this partnership, is happy to welcome to Sully each year students on work-study programs from various IPI Lyon courses.   On Friday, April 29, Anthony HARE, Recruitment Manager at the Lyon branch, and Kevin POSE, Applications Manager, attended the JobDating organized by IPI Lyon. The objective of this forum was to present Sully to the students and to meet our future students! Sully is present at the school's events, which take place throughout the year.