Sully Group supports the French Mixed Open Touch Rugby team


July 22, 2022

French Touch Rugby Team
What are your missions at Sully, Charline?

I joined the Grenoble agency in May 2020, as Application Manager.

My role is to act as a link between our customers and our developers. I have to understand the customer's needs and express them clearly, so that the developers can integrate them into the applications. At the moment, I am working on projects related to COVID, for Santé Publique France.

You are also Captain of the French Mixed Open Touch Rugby Team!

I started playing rugby when I was 12 years old. Then, in 2013, I was offered to try Touch. I have never stopped since! It's a real passion.

Touch Rugby is not a very well known sport in France?

That's right. However, we have been playing it for more than 20 years!

And Touch is the most practiced sport in Australia, with nearly 2 million players.

It is also popular in the UK. On Sundays in Scotland, Touch is played with the family in the parks. In Europe, France is behind the 3 British nations: Scotland, England and Wales.

What is the difference with rugby?

We pass backwards and score tries with an oval ball. Otherwise there are no rules in common with rugby!

  • We play 6 against 6 on a field of 70 meters by 50.
  • You have to put the ball behind the line to score, avoiding the opponents.
  • The ball carrier must put the ball on the ground if it is touched by an opponent.
  • His teammates can then pick up the ball and continue to advance.
  • The opponents must move back 7 meters before they can touch again.
  • After the 6th touchdown without a try, the ball is returned to the opposing team.

It is a sport that combines agility, endurance and technique. The contacts are non-violent, which makes it possible to play in mixed teams.

To discover the rules in detail, I recommend this video:

What does this sport bring you?

Playing Touch with the French Mixed Open (MXO) team allows me to surpass myself. I enjoy playing in a mixed team, we encourage and challenge each other. We work on our endurance and our speed techniques. It's very stimulating!

Thanks to Touch, I was also able to represent France in European and world competitions. It's a great sporting and human adventure.

Finally, Touch is a sport that is practiced a lot in family. In our clubs, we have couples, siblings, parents and their children who can play tournaments together. It is gratifying to live these moments with close relations.

What are your objectives for the European Championship in Nottingham?

Our goal is to be on the podium and bring home a medal! We've been working hard for this and we're going to do everything we can to get there. We're also looking forward to this match because we haven't competed since 2019 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Here is our match schedule for the Championship:


Do you see common points between your missions at Sully and your role as Captain of the French team?

First of all, rigor, which is essential in my role as application manager as well as in my sports preparation. You have to organize and plan your work according to the deadlines, in order to be ready on D-day.

There is also team spirit, with women and men who have different roles and who act together to achieve a common goal. We must combine the strengths and personalities of each person to create winning combinations. We have to match our way of playing to win a game or to complete an IT project.

A word for the end?

The Touch Rugby Federation and Sully share common values: respect, agility and group spirit. I am happy to be part of these 2 teams!
