June 7, 2022
web factory
Diego, designer, tells us about the event organized by the Eurometropole of Strasbourg.
Diego, what are your missions at Sully ?

I am a designer. Within the UX studio, I have the mission to develop our expertise in digital ecodesign.

What is digital eco-design?

It means designing in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. This means offering applications that are useful, accessible and less energy-consuming. This is a major focus for the group.

We are partners in the European Week for Responsible Digital Technology. The 2nd edition of this event, organized by the Eurometropole of Strasbourg, offered more than 50 workshops, conferences, round tables and meetings. We supported the Eurometropole in the design and development of the website numerique-responsable.strasbourg.eu, which is the showcase and laboratory for the event.

A laboratory? What do you mean by that?

We have produced lighter code and media to optimize energy consumption. We will then be able to deploy these solutions on other sites of the Strasbourg Eurometropolis site factory. This experimentation also allows us to feed our skills in eco-design, to propose them to our other customers.

During the European Week of Responsible Digital, you also led a workshop on ecodesign?

We proposed an online workshop (
see the replay), open to all, in 3 steps:

  1. First, I presented how an eco-designed site works compared to a "classic" site.
  2. Participants were then invited to evaluate different sites using online tools, and then to share their analyses on a virtual whiteboard.
  3. Finally, we reflected together on ways to improve the site numerique-responsable.strasbourg.eu, in terms of eco-design and accessibility.
A word to conclude?

The impact of digital technology on the environment is constantly growing. Awareness is recent, because dematerialization is perceived as positive and digital has a pollution that is invisible.

Our group is committed to offering its customers useful and responsible solutions. Designers have a central role in this approach, and I am happy to be part of it.
